How to change pointer color and size in Windows 10 and 11

The mouse arrow in Windows 11 is white and maintains the trend imposed by Microsoft in previous versions of its operating system. But this does not necessarily have to be so.

In this short tutorial we teach you how to change the color of the pointer so that it has better visibility when moving around the screen. Follow these steps to customize it with the color of your choice.

On Windows 11

Press the Windows + I keys to enter the Windows 11 settings. In the right side panel, select Accessibility. Then click Mouse pointer and touch. Under Mouse pointer style, click the Custom option (last icon in the row).

Select a color from the Recommended Colors list, or alternatively, click the + symbol (choose another color). To finish, select the color of your preference.

If you wish, go to the Size section and use the slider bar to choose a custom pointer size. After this, close the Settings page. Changes will take effect immediately.

On Windows 10

Press the Windows + I keys. Then click Accessibility > Mouse pointer.

Under Change pointer color, click the Custom icon and choose a color from the list.

To change the size of the pointer, use the slider bar in the Change pointer size section.

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