How to unblock Flash Player in Google Chrome

Happy Wheels and many other browser video games still use Flash.

Support for Flash Player technology is coming to an end and the number of sites using it is decreasing. Many web browsers, including Google Chrome, have also discontinued its use, disabling the Adobe plugin by default.

However, browser video games such as the popular Happy Wheels and many other platforms that publish similar content still depend on Flash, so to be able to enjoy them without problems it is necessary to know how to unlock the Flash Player plugin. Here we show you how to do it.

Before you should know that the Flash plugin can only be disabled for each individual page and only during the current Chrome session. Those are the steps you must follow.

How to unblock Adobe Flash Player in Chrome

Open any page with Flash content.

Click the padlock icon to the left of the web address. Next, click Site settings.

Scroll down to the Flash section and select Allow. Finally, reload the web page.

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