How to use Telegram as a cloud disk

For a long time, to access our files from anywhere and at any time, we only have to open the web browser of the computer or a mobile application. This is possible thanks to the online hosting offered by services such as Google Drive, OneDrive, iCloud or Dropbox, among many others.

Most of them offer a secure storage system, so they also work as a means of protecting important information. However, free accounts are limited in size, unless space is increased by purchasing paid storage plans, a situation that is out of reach for many pockets.

How does the Telegram cloud work to save files

That is why we present you with a completely free and secure storage alternative. This is the Telegram messaging platform, which despite not being a hosting service in the cloud, has the particularity that user accounts come with unlimited storage space for saving shared files, on condition that individually do not exceed 2 GB.

What can be saved in the Telegram cloud?

The main function of Telegram is instant messaging but having servers with unlimited storage space, it may well satisfy the needs of smartphone users to back up their photos, long videos and documents in general, being excellent for occasional use. or emergency.

How to upload files to the Telegram cloud

For this, it is enough to carry out the following trick, which makes use of the Telegram Channels function, with which it is possible to create channels for disseminating messages to large audiences and in which files that do not exceed 2 GB in size can be published. Follow these steps to use a Telegram channel as cloud storage space.

Open the Telegram app and enter the Chats screen. Then, click on the pencil icon. Then tap New channel > Create channel. Set the channel name, add a description, and tap Next.

Under Link, select Private and click Next. To finish, click Next again.

Once the new channel is created operating privately, you can use it to save your photos, videos and documents. All you have to do is enter the channel and click on the paper clip icon to start uploading files stored locally on your phone.

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