Generative artificial intelligence is a concept under which tools that create original content in the form of text, sounds or images are developed. Something that until before its appearance was the heritage of the human brain.
Two specific examples of this class of tools are OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, which understand instructions in natural language and from them create compositions that conform to what the user requests.
Both are available from the web, but in the particular case of ChatGPT, it has an API with which application designers can integrate it into their developments.
LuzIA is precisely a development that integrates ChatGPT technology and works in the form of a personal assistant within WhatsApp. It installs as a contact and can help you do many things including being able to answer queries on various subjects, set reminders, do math calculations, and so on.
Crafting Visual Masterpieces With Luzia on WhatsApp
However, a recent update to LuzIA has made it possible for your creative side to be empowered with the creation of artistic images. And the instructions for you to make pictorial works of art are not at all different from those used to generate informational texts or compose writings. That is to say, it is enough to use human language, but this time putting the terms imagine or paint before the details of the composition.
If you want LuzIA to draw for you on WhatsApp, all you have to do is add her as a contact by following this simple procedure: Open the Internet browser on your smartphone and enter the LuzIA page whose address is https://soyluzia.com/en/.
Then click on the Free trial option. Have the link open in WhatsApp and send the activation message that will appear automatically. After a few brief instructions you can write to the artificial intelligence of LuzIA and ask for the help you need.